Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Disneyland.. Our second home!

     Since we had an extra week off between chemo rounds, due to low platelets, we decided to head to Disneyland one last time. Our passes expire on Saturday.. My birthday and our anniversary. So we headed out witht the wheelchair that used to belong to my dad's mom. I definitely got a workout pushing Darren all around!! We had a nice time... Walking around, going through the shops, having lunch at the Carnation Cafe. We didn't ride any rides just enjoyed our favorite place.

We will miss out on the 60th Diamond Anniversary kickoff starting at the end of May, but we look forward to being able to renew our passes when Darren kicks Lymphoma's butt to the curb for good!!

It was a great day to be together as a couple and celebrate my birthday and our anniversary together!! 
I love you baby!! 

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